Hey Dairy Farmers

Dairy Farmers of Canada


Misinformation about dairy practices was causing a decline in dairy consumption.

45% of the Cana­di­an pop­u­la­tion – pri­mar­i­ly in the mil­len­ni­al gen­er­a­tion – enjoy dairy prod­ucts but are ques­tion­ing whether they should con­sume them because of neg­a­tive mis­con­cep­tions about fac­to­ry farm­ing prac­tices, many of which are false or don’t apply to Cana­da.


‘Hey Dairy Farmer’ — Real people asking real questions

We need­ed to arm mil­len­ni­als with the real facts about our process and break up mis­con­cep­tions about what dairy farm­ing in Cana­da looks like.

Crit­i­cal to our suc­cess was believ­abil­i­ty, so we want­ed to use real peo­ple ask­ing real ques­tions to our real Cana­di­an Dairy farm­ers across the coun­try, help­ing to human­ize the indus­try. Due to Covid, we turned these vir­tu­al calls into TV, OLV for social and dig­i­tal as well as OOH and POS to ensure mis­con­cep­tions were cor­rect­ed wher­ev­er our con­sumer was tak­ing in infor­ma­tion and mak­ing pur­chase deci­sions.

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The Results

We increased purchase consideration by 93% overall.

The cam­paign was a big suc­cess, improv­ing favoura­bil­i­ty for the Dairy Farm­ers of Cana­da by 73%, and increased pur­chase con­sid­er­a­tion by 93% over­all.

Addi­tion­al­ly, for a cam­paign that was only in mar­ket for a short peri­od of time, we made major strides in chang­ing per­cep­tions. Specif­i­cal­ly, improv­ing the per­cep­tion that “Cana­di­an milk is of high qual­i­ty” by +4 points, and that “Cana­di­an Dairy farm­ers work hard to pro­vide the safest, high­est qual­i­ty milk” by +5 points – both of which were sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant improve­ments among our mil­len­ni­al audi­ence.

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